What is a container?

When running in a container, you have access to your files as usual, but the operating system and intstalled software are replaced by those in the container.

Container is somewhat like a different computer just for you, similar to a virtual machine.

How do we use containers?

A system administrator can build a containter with installed software instead of installing it directly on the system. This allows to keep everything the software needs nicely together, and to run the software on different nodes, even with different versions of linux, without reinstalling anything.

We are using a type of containers called Singularity, which was developed with HPC in mind. You may have heard about Docker, which is similar.

Software with complicated dependencies is often distributed as singularity containters, with their own runtime environment. Singularity containers are large files, many GB. If you bring any containters of your own, pleasee put them in your project directory and do not store singularity containers in your home directory.

We often install software requested by users in singularity containers rather than on the system itself to provide the required versions of dependencies, avoid software conflicts, and allow them to run on all of our clusters.

How do I put software in a container?

Ask and we may be able to build a container for you if we do not have one already. Most of our containers originated this way.

Building a Singularity container requires root privileges, so you can't build a container directly on our systems yourself. But nothing stops you from setting up your own linux machine with the same version of Singularity we have, building a container, and copying it here.

How to use a Singularity container interactively

Please do not run computationally intensive jobs on the front end machines, math-alderaan or clas-compute.

So, if you plan to do anything of substance, first ssh to an interactive node (recommended math-colibri-i01 with 1TB memory, or math-score-i01 with a faster and newer cpu). Or, start an interactive batch job, e.g.,

srun -p math-alderaan --time=2:00:0 -n 1 --pty bash -i

will start a slurm job with one core reserved for 2 hours and return with a standard shell prompt. Then start a shell in a container, for example

 singularity shell /storage/singularity/tensorflow.sif

and start exploring.

How to run Singularity in a slurm batch job

Prepare the commands you want to execute inside the container as a file, say mycode.sh, and make the file executable

 chmod +x mycode.sh

Then, write a batch job script file that executes your code inside the container, say singularity_alderaan_shell.slurm, like this:

 #SBATCH --job-name=singularity
 #SBATCH --partition=math-alderaan
 #SBATCH --nodes=1                   # Number of requested nodes
 #SBATCH --time=1:00:00              # Max wall-clock time
 #SBATCH --ntasks=1                  # Total number of tasks over all nodes, max 64*nodes

 singularity exec /storage/singularity/container.sif ./mycode.sh

where container is the container name. Instead of a shell script, you can use an executable binary such as compiled C code, or call python from inside the container like python3 mycode.py, etc. You can also copy your shell script inside the batch script si that you can deal with only one file, like this:

 #SBATCH --job-name=singularity
 #SBATCH --partition=math-alderaan
 #SBATCH --nodes=1                   # Number of requested nodes
 #SBATCH --time=1:00:00              # Max wall-clock time
 #SBATCH --ntasks=1                  # Total number of tasks over all nodes, max 64*nodes

 singularity shell /storage/singularity/container.sif << EOF
 echo This is a shell command which gets executed in the singularity container

Finally, submit the job as usual:

 sbatch singularity_alderaan_shell.slurm

If the commands you invoke inside the singularity container can take advantage of more than one core, you can increase the job parameter --ntasks to reserve and use more cores. If your singularity job uses lot of memory, please increase --ntasks to about 8 GB per core even if you may not use the cores. Otherwise, node memory may get overloaded with unfortunate consequences such as jobs stuck and nodes down until someone resets them.

How to run Singularity with MPI and on multiple nodes

Not so easy for MPI over the fast interconnect InfiniBand. In future.

What containers we have

Containers we have built are in /storage/singularity. For convenience, /storage/singularity/container.sif points to a sample container.

To see what is in a container, start with a short description which should be provided by every container:

 singularity run-help /storage/singularity/container.sif

For more details, you can look how the software in the container was built. This is was done by a script, called definition file, which you can see by

 singularity inspect --deffile /storage/singularity/container.sif

You can see that the script is exactly like installing your own Linux machine after you installed a base system from distribution media.

Then start a shell in the container as above, and you can do whatever you normally do to examine softwares and their versions.

Note: Rebuilding a container usually picks up current version of software, so the versions listed below may change when containers are rebuilt.


Bioinformatics sofware bfctools 1.15.1 for processing and analyzing sequencing data. Based on Ubuntu 20.04 with Development Tools.


Ubuntu 20.04 with Development Tools and biology packages bbmap megahit megabat checkm gtdbtkUbuntu 20.04 with Development Tools and biology packages bbmap megahit megabat checkm gtdbtk.


Biopython 1.78 in Anacoda 3 Python 3.9.13 based on Ubuntu 20.04.


Imported Docker quay.io/comparative-genomics-toolkit/cactus:v2.5.2-gpu


CentOS Linux 8.4.2105, gcc 8.4.1 and standard Development Tools from Centos.


Imported Docker nvidia/cuda:11.6.1-devel-ubuntu20.04


Ubuntu 22.04 with cuda 12.0, NVIDIA compilers, tensorflow, pytorch, and other common machine learning packages


The Go language with gcc/gfortran 9 and development tools, based on Ubuntu 20.04


Custom container for the mixtures project. R 4.1.2 with raresim, plink2, Python with regenie, bcftools, pliknk,hapgen2, bedtools. etc., and datasets. Based on Ubuntu 22.04


Container with python3-poppler-qt5, tensorflow, sklearn, matplotlib, keras, keras-tuner, tensorflow_datasets, pdf2image, jupyterhub, jupyter and pandas. No CUDA. Based on Ubuntu 22.04


Optimization software PySCIPOpt pyscipopt 4.2.0, ipopt, glpk, pyomo, gurobi, with geopandas in miniconda and Ubuntu 21.04


Modecular chemistry software QuickVina, gcc, gfortran, python3 on Ubuntu 21.04


SageMath mathematical sofrware, SAGE 9.5 with R 4.2.1 and Python 3.10.6 on Ubuntu 22.04.


Genomic software saige container from docker image wzhou88/saige:1.1.6, comes with R 3.6.3.


Cuda 11, tensorflow 1.4, sklearn, matplotlib, keras, keras-tuner, tensorflow_datasets, pdf2image and pandas, on Ubuntu 20.04

Note: Tensorflow will run with or without GPU, but it will crash python on most colibri nodes because their CPUs and GPUs are too old.


cuda 11, tensorflow 1.4, sklearn, matplotlib, keras, keras-tuner, tensorflow_datasets, pdf2image and pandas.


NVIDIA nvidia/cuda:11.2.2-base-ubuntu20.04 with Anaconda and cuDNN 8 added.


Cuda 11, tensorflow, sklearn, matplotlib, keras, keras-tuner, tensorflow_datasets, pdf2image, jupyterhub, jupyter and pandas.


Cuda 11, tensorflow 1.4, sklearn, matplotlib, keras, keras-tuner, tensorflow_datasets, pdf2image and pandas.